Photo Gallery Impressions beside research work – that`s why we love it too pod of dolphin at their bestthe famous blue whale poo3 blue whale social distancinghumpback at sunriseSRW and humpback mother and calf meethumpbacks in crystal blue waterblue whale mother and calfSRW resting in bay pod of humpbackshumpback`s backmeasure a blue whaleblue whalemigration around the Capedwarf minke spy hoppingSRW mother and calfclose up monitoringsome boaties get closebreaching humpbackbreaching SRW calfSRW in resting areahumpbackrainbow at Gannet rockhumpback mother and calfagainst gravity…tail fluke humpbacktail fluke humpbacktail fluke SRWblue whale compression releasedolphins ride SRW calf at sunsethumpback mother and calfblue whale morning unique features on SRW headwhale footprint