Enter your email to subscribe to GMR’s newsletter. We aim at sending out a newsletter approximately 6 times a year, but if there is some news that just can’t wait we may send an occasional extra one.
The newsletter will keep you up to date with what GMR is doing, and the progress of our research projects. It will also let you know of ways you can become involved – as a volunteer or by fundraising.
You can support Geographe Marine Research by becoming a member. GMR is a Company Limited by Guarantee and has two classes of member. Ordinary members and Associate members (non voting). All members have to be approved by the Directors.
The benefits to you of becoming a member are to be more closely involved in the community of people who enjoy the whales of Geographe Bay (and beyond) and who wish to see their future protected by targetted research. This is an opportunity to learn more about and become involved in research projects that will help the people entrusted with ensuring the recovery of these species from the near extinction that man inflicted on them for over two centuries. If you are new to the area it is an opportunity to meet people with a similar passion for the whales. If you have special skills in a number of areas then you can become deeply involved in the science we are developing.
The benefits to GMR of you becoming a member are that we will be able to ensure a succession path for GMR as existing Directors move on, and that we will be able to demonstrate the extent of community support for our programs. We will also have a broader base, new ideas and support within the community.
To become a member contact a Director (See the About Page) or email membership (at) marineresearch.org.au